Embedding Mastodon comments with org-static-blog and Emfed

2024 Sep 02

UPDATE: It’s a package on Codeberg: I call it org-static-blog-emfed.

Follow the instructions there and let me know if you have any questions!

UPDATE: I will package it up, share it, and explain it.

This post is a test of my Emacs lisp functions to:

Notice the chicken-and-egg problem: need a toot (“status”) ID to embed in the post; need the post to link in the toot. I “solve” this conundrum by posting a toot to a not-yet-posted blog entry, then update the blog entry with the toot ID and then publish the blog right quick.

Debugging this was all live with me quickly deleting mistakes. Except somebody still saw the sausage being made behind the curtain. Yecchh.

tags: emacs blog mastodon

Created with org-static-blog | GNU Emacs 29.4 Org mode 9.6.15 | comments powered by Emfed